You know you’re at the right conference when the first person you meet (when asked the ubiquitous “So, what do you do?” question) answers “I combine fashion with spirituality to create ethical clothing based on the 7 chakras”.
Oh, I think I’m gonna like it here!!!
The Big Hearted Business (BHB) conference was actually promoted as an (un)conference, and rightly so. There were no suits, no sandwichs and definitely no soul sucking presentations.
Instead, queue morning meditations; group singalongs; yoga piss-takes to Eye of the Tiger; the most delicious nutritious organic vegetarian fare made in a no-waste kitchen by one of Australia’s most radical sustainability entrepreneurs, Joost; and regular dance breaks to - what became the theme of the weekend - Pharrell’s ‘Happy’.
All topped off with talks from inspiring, whip-smart creatives who are living proof you CAN make good art that changes the world and get paid in the process, thank you very much.
But wait up - my big hearted weekend actually began on Friday morning.
You see, I flew down to Melbourne for the conference on my birthday.
Whilst I was in the air, my birthday Pay What You Can sale began. When I landed in Melbourne, I arrived to a phone overflowing with birthday messages from the most gorgeous friends a girl could ever hope for, an inbox full of meditones orders from my incredible comrades, and a heart fit to burst with gratitude.
Thanks to you guys - I’ve been able to give a joyful donation to the Wesley Hospital as a small token of my appreciation for their superb care of my sister.
So you would think that by the time I hit BHB, my heart would be full.
Brrrp. WRONG.
My expectations were smashed and my capacity for joy soared!
BHB was created as a legacy project by Clare Bowditch. There aren’t enough good adjectives in my lexicon to describe this incredible woman so I’ll simply say this.
Clare Bowditch is a consummate professional with a heart of gold.
She held the attention of a room full of 500 people, yet made it seem like you were just hanging out in her loungeroom. She is quick-witted and bloody funny. And that voice! Oh my, that voice.
But of course, every conference needs a highlight. And mine was meeting Danielle LaPorte.
I’ve been a fan since I discovered her site original site White Hot Truth (now simply Danielle LaPorte) and have been consistently blown away by her innovation, her creativity and her potent delivery of all things business & spirituality. If you haven’t done her Desire Map - you need to get onto that IMMEDIATELY!
As soon as she stood on stage, she commanded the room. Her die-hard fans were glowing like embers and those who hadn’t heard of her before - quickly lit up as soon as she began to speak.
There is something about Danielle’s presence that makes you, not just fall in love with her, but fall in love with yourself too.
Seeing someone stand in their authentic power is the biggest turn on!
<- tweet that shit, yo!
The hours flew by and all too soon it was over. But I know it’s just the beginning. I’ve met kindred spirits who I know will be friends forever. I feel supported by Life and by synchronicity.
And the last little proof of that? Was what happened as soon as I touched down again in Brisbane.
Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ started playing over the plane’s radio.
So you see - I’ve got an inferno inside me now. There is so much in me that wants to give give GIVE. And it’s all coming your way comrades!!!
Look out world…
{PS - Wanna see MORE photos? Follow me on instagram - @attituderevolution. Plenty more action over there}
Hi Tahlee,
Sorry we didn’t get to meet at BHB on weekend. All of us in that room will forever be connected! What a great post! You have managed to capture the spirit of the weekend perfectly. Happy Birthday and look forward to seeing where your journey from here goes… Talina x
Thanks Talina! Yes, absolutely. It’s wonderful to know how connected we all truly are. Glad you had a great time too and who knows… Perhaps our paths will cross again some day
LOVE IT! I can feel the heat from here xx
Haha - Burn baby burn! Thanks Bec
Hi Tahlee! I’ve done a post on #BHB2014 too, and linked to yours at the end as another inspiring post from the weekend - hope that’s ok. If not, let me know. You can see it here: Cheers, Talina x
Wonderful post! Thanks for the link darling! <3