The Psychosomatics of Peace

Look. You’re busy.

I get it.

And you’re getting cranky at all those peeps on your news feed bragging about meditation (including this one).

Because sometimes you genuinely don’t have time. Sometimes you wonder if it does anything at all.

So I made something for you.

This isn’t some boring rant about the statistics of how important meditation is. You know all that stuff anyway.

This track is poetry.

Designed to remind you of the magic that is your brain. How incredible your central nervous system is.

And poetry?

It cuts through the bullshit.

It brings you back to center, like a hummingbird to nectar.

And beauty is vital for reconnection.

So whilst the track has no meditones, it gives you that 2 min recharge of ‘ahhhh, that’s better’.

No need to lie down on the couch, close your eyes, sit in lotus, or even put on headphones. Just hit play and peace out.

Available in the shop now!

For the next 24 hours, receive a free copy of Ways to Let Go (another peace poem) when you order Psychosomatics of Peace.


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