Yep. This is how much I love these things. Here are a bunch of radical resources that I love to sing about from the rooftops. Enjoy!
The Attitude Revolution Decree
This decree is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Feel free to spread the message, but please, link back to me so more comrades can join!
The Desire Map
The seminal self development book that EVERYBODY is raving about - including me. Only it’s not just a book. It’s a whole world of stunning media - audio, playlists, meditations, videos, an app! If you haven’t discovered the Desire Map then it’s high time you did.

Playing Big
Words cannot express how meaningful this course has been to me. I don’t say this lightly - it changed my life.
Tara Mohr is a skillful coach and participating in Playing Big gave me stunning strategies to help me step up in my business and life; reconnected me with my long lost music practice; and introduced me to lifelong friends. Priceless.